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2007年 20卷 5期
Forest Research
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1001-1498
国内统一刊号:CN 11-1221
韩宁林[1,2] 胡文翠[2] 王东辉[2] 韦金辉[2] 厉锋[2][1]中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400 [2]浙江省东阳市香榧研究所,浙江东阳322100
摘 要:调查发现香榧优良品种细榧中存在多个不同来源的类型。通过对香榧年生长规律的观察,特别是对种核、叶片形态的详细调查,结果证明在浙江省香榧主产区内,细榧中至少包括以下4个优良类型:细核型细榧(东榧1号)、细核早熟型细榧(东榧2号)、小叶型细榧(东榧3号)和大叶型细榧(普通细榧)。分子标记进一步证实了这些细榧类型的实际存在。为了研究细榧内不同类型的形态区别,在种实、叶片形态观察中,首次引入了变化梯度概念。4个细榧类型不仅有稳定的形态特征,也有一定的环境条件和栽培技术要求,并已形成一定的栽培面积,获得了实际的经济效益。通过生长观察和形态调查,结合分子标记确定品种的做法,也为今后发掘更多的香榧优良资源提供了可供借鉴的方法。[著者文摘]
关键词:香榧 细榧 类型 变化梯度
分类号: S791.53[著者标引]
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Investigation on Four Type of Torreya grandisHAN Ning-lin ,HU Wen-cui, WANG Dong-hui, WEI Jin-hui,LI Feng 1. Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry , CAF, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China; 2. Dongyang City Chinese Torreya Institute of Zhejian Province, Dongyang 322100 ,Zhejiang, ChinaAbstract:The investigation from 2001 to 2006 showed that Xifei variety of the Torreya grandis maybe come from a few torreya trees. There were differences in the period of germination and mature, as well as in the shape of leaf and seed. According to the investigation , four excellent types were found in the Dongyong City, Zhejiang Province , they were the Thin Seed Xifei ( Dongyong number 1 ) , the Earlier Mature Thin Seed Xifei ( Dongyong number 2), the Bigger I~af Xifei and the Smaller Leaf Xifei. The RAPD test of DNA showed it was true. In order to distinguish the ratio of varies of width for the leaf and for the seed in its different parts, the concept of variation gradient was intro- duced. They had not only different forms in leaf and seed, but also distinctions in some habit. All of the four types of Xifei grow at a lot of areas, seedling abundantly. So they could be called varieties indeed. The method combining investigation and testing was very useful, that would make to find a lot of excellent resources of types from the prod- uct populations in the future.[著者文摘]
Key words:Torreya grandis ; Xifei ; types ; the ratio of varies of width
收稿日期: 2006-06-26
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